Voice Broadcasting used properly is an effective and reliable alternative to email. Ifbyphone’s services are ideally suited for delivery of customer service information, customer notifications and employee communications. All information valuable to the recipient. For example, let’s say you own a heating and air conditioning company. You used to send emails to your customers in the spring and fall to recommend they schedule a tune up of their air conditioner or furnace. The last couple of years your customers have complained “John, why don’t you email me a reminder anymore?”. But you do. What’s happening. Your emails are going into your customer’s spam folders. Spam technology has rendered email an ineffective customer communications tool. Instead of using an email message use a Voice Broadcast. Record a short 30 second message to each of your customers. Schedule 20 of these messages to go out a day and offer the customer an option to transfer to your office and make an appointment during the call. Just as email used properly enhances your customer relationships and improves sales, Voice Broadcast used properly is a more reliable delivery vehicle then email, which all to often today ends up in someone’s spam folder.