![[IrvShapiro/Attachments/dff339ec9b8dbd711077dd6e7f413ff2_MD5.png]] This past year has been rather remarkable. First, I survived ten days on a ventilator and three weeks in total in a hospital with Covid. Then while DialogTech, a company I founded in 2005 and retired from almost three years ago, battles with the impact of Covid's influence on marketing spends, the DrVAX YouTube channel is thriving. My experience over the last two years building the DrVAX community continues to impress me with the power of video. By leveraging the completely free, Google provided YouTube platform; any company can promote a brand, educate an audience, or build a community.  As reported by YouTube, the channel has reached the following milestones: ![[IrvShapiro/Attachments/92873ceb88557152463187c93f0123e0_MD5.jpg]] People have watched my videos over two million times. Remarkable. Since my subscribers only account for about 25% of my monthly video views, fifty, sixty, maybe over one hundred thousand people watch the DrVAX videos each month. My daughter in law, who is a marketing professional, says that makes me an influencer. The DrVAX viewers have posted over 5,000 comments on YouTube and over 6,000 comments on the DrVAX opt-in discussion group hosted at [https://forum.drvax.com](https://forum.drvax.com/?ref=cogitations.com). Over 700 discussion group members have provided me with their email addresses to reach out to them directly – a communications channel I will use judiciously. In 2021 I expect to broaden the DrVAX content and evaluate business opportunities.   I have grown children and their spouses, all thriving in their specialties, including organization, finance, law, consulting, medicine, and marketing.  You never know, we might find a way to work together someday. My experiences over 40 years in technology, primarily software business company creation and operations, has taught me many lessons.  It is a shame I did not know 15, 20,  30, or 40 years ago what I know now.  This is an asset I expect to leverage. Fortunately, I seem to have good genes as both of my parents are of sound mind and healthy in their nineties. With healthy years ahead, I have plenty of time to create more businesses and continue contributing.   I look forward to sharing exciting new business ideas on these pages in the future.