DrVAX is my new media play consisting of the drvax.com web site, drvax YouTube channel and a DrVax Facebook page. The DrVAX mission is to empower retiring baby boomers to take control of their lives by learning how to be makers. ![[IrvShapiro/Attachments/801869308c664e3281058ef428d13e96_MD5.jpg]] Check out the new DrVAX video ad or just visit the DrVax channel on YouTube. [DrVAX Baby Boomer Ad](https://biteable.com/watch/drvax-baby-boomer-ad-2083879/c0461b8d29b254a187d8d9111bea2a7af0d8dd17?ref=cogitations.com) . 10,000 of the 70 Million Baby Boomers in the United States are retiring every day and the Baby Boomer generation is a worldwide phenomenon with millions of more boomers around the world.  If you're one of them and looking for your next challenge,  don't just retire, retrain and retool as a "maker" for fun or profit. The DrVax channel is here to help boomers and curious people of any age who are interesting in learning more about the technologies our children and grandchildren are learning about in STEM class and MakerLabs.  DrVax consists of the drvax.com web site, the DrVax YouTube channel and a DrVax Facebook page.   The DrVax mission is to empower retiring baby boomers to take control of their lives by learning how to be makers.   With advances in technology that have driven fabrication tools; 3d printers, laser cutters, tabletop woodworking tools do to just hundreds of dollars and thousands of free tutorials on YouTube(r) every boomer has the power to become a creator for fun or profit. Please check out the drvax YouTube(r) channel and subscribe today. [https://youtube.com/c/drvax?sub\_confirmation=1](https://youtube.com/c/drvax?sub_confirmation=1&fbclid=IwAR0vMstObU2GNiuxSetmGhfHTLfp77Gg0lZrKgYWmkn0B4sdR1Q2bWIuZHo&ref=cogitations.com)